Diet on kefir - or a way to lose weight cheaply and with health benefits

kefir diet for weight loss

Kefir is part of most diets. It is a satiating and gastric drink that is capable of reversing the nutritional deficiencies that can occur with severe dietary restrictions. The kefir diet is good, among other things, because it helps maintain a normal intestinal microbiome - beneficial bacteria that inhabit the gastrointestinal tract and are actively involved in the digestion and assimilation of food.

In mono and mixed diets, kefir has a ubiquitous place as an easily digestible and nutritious food product.

The benefits of kefir

the goodness of kefir

The benefits of kefir were known before Russia had its own production. Medical trips to the Caucasus include, in addition to treatment with mineral water, eating local products. Doctors at the time touted the undeniable health benefits of the drink, kefir was considered almost a cure for all diseases. Of course, this is an exaggeration, but kefir really has many undeniable advantages.

Powerful probiotics

Due to its composition, kefir is a "friend" with the microflora of our body and helps it function. With the help of kefir, it is easy to restore the disturbed balance of beneficial microorganisms. After taking antibiotics, poisoning, viral diseases - drinking this drink will easily regulate all the digestive organs. Kefir promotes digestion of food, helps reduce the formation of excess gas in the digestive tract.

Kefir can easily replace expensive drugs with lacto- and bifidobacteria, which are often prescribed to be taken along with antibiotics.

Good for bones

Kefir contains a lot of calcium in a form suitable for the body. One glass of drink contains 30% of the daily dose of this element. In addition, kefir contains small amounts of vitamin D and ascorbic acid, without which calcium is not absorbed. This combination provides a person with everything needed to replenish bones with minerals.

Relieves allergy symptoms

Often, allergic reactions occur due to the fact that protein is not sufficiently digested in the intestine, which causes the body's immune response. The use of kefir for allergies helps for two reasons.

  • Beneficial bacteria promote deeper protein breakdown.
  • Kefir balances the balance of inflammatory immunoglobulins in the blood.

It is thanks to these properties that kefir reduces the form of allergies, accompanied by rashes or peeling of the skin.

Important! The above is not used for cases of allergy to cow's milk protein. It is contraindicated for such people to drink kefir.

Sources of Nutrients

name weight, g protein, g fat, g carbohydrate, g kcal
Kefir 2. 5% 100 2. 8 2. 5 3. 9 fifty

Kefir is characterized by a balanced composition. One glass contains about 6 grams of protein, and it is completely absorbed and gives a feeling of satiety for a long time. Carbohydrates in equal amounts - 10 grams, fat from 1 to 7 grams, depending on the fat content. The combination of these nutrients makes kefir an edible product in large quantities, while it will not harm the figure.

Popular diet options

The answer to the question of how to lose weight on kefir depends on how fast you need to lose weight, how many kilograms and how heavy the restriction is planned by the person. Among those who lose weight this way, some of the most popular diet options. This is a short -term diet designed for a short period, a maximum of a week.

The classic version of the kefir diet

This method consists of daily consumption of 1. 5 liters of kefir, plus a small portion of other foods, weighing up to 100 grams, added daily. It can be boiled meat, fish or chicken, chicken eggs or fresh vegetables. There are several options, the more important of which are the basic principles:

  • All supplements should not be marinated.
  • In addition to kefir, you can only drink plain or mineral water.
  • 2-3 days before the start of the diet, leave out harmful foods.

In this case, the diet will help to lose 3-5 kg of excess weight in a short time.

Kefir apple diet

kefir-apple diet

A relatively rigid version of the nutritional diet, only suitable for people with a healthy gastrointestinal tract. In case of problems with these organs, diet can cause serious indigestion. The principle of such a diet is simple. Every day you can use:

  • 1. 5 liters of kefir.
  • 600 grams of fresh apples.

The product is divided into 6 equal portions, eaten while awake at regular intervals.

Such a diet cleanses the body of toxins well, but it is quite difficult to resist them. If you follow it for 3-5 days, during this time you will be able to lose 3-5 kg.

A strict diet is not recommended for a long time, as the loss of trace elements from the body may begin.

Kefir cucumber diet

kefir-cucumber diet

This option is ideal for those who have a need to lose a few pounds quickly. It is strongly not recommended to adhere to such a diet for more than three days. For a three -day unloading marathon for one day you will need:

  • 1. 5 liters of kefir,
  • 1. 5 pounds of fresh cucumber.

The product is divided into 5 parts and eaten periodically. Very strict selection, not recommended to use it unless absolutely necessary.

Strict kefir diet

The hardest option is a mono kefir diet. This is an excellent way to lose significant weight quickly, but this option requires enough willpower and a completely healthy body. Such restrictions can be observed no more than three days, and then exit the diet smoothly without eating high -calorie foods for several more days. If immediately after three days on one kefir you pounce on food, all efforts will be in vain, the weight will return.

For such a diet, you need kefir from any fat content, in the amount of 1. 5-2 liters per day. The drink should be divided into 5-6 doses. In addition to kefir, only clean water is allowed to be drunk. If you have no experience with a strict diet, it is better not to try to immediately withstand three days. Try the first one day, after a few weeks - two. And after a month, you can try to withstand three days of strict restrictions.

Important! Even if you have the strength to maintain such a diet longer, you shouldn’t do it. Adherence to a strict kefir diet for more than three days contributes to the leaching of minerals and trace elements from the body.

Kefir diet for 7 days

A week -long kefir diet is not ideal for the fastest weight loss, but weight loss is irreversible. The lost weight will not stick back to the body, unless, of course, you supplement the diet with fast food. For such a diet, it is necessary to drink 1. 5 liters of fermented milk drink daily, with the addition of certain products to it:

  • 1 day - baked or boiled potatoes in their skins - 200 gr.
  • Day 2 - boiled chicken without skin - 250 gr.
  • Day 3 - boiled lean beef - 200 gr.
  • Day 4 - low -fat grilled fish - 200 gr.
  • Day 5 - fresh apples or coleslaw - up to 500 gr.
  • Day 6 - only clean water.
  • Day 7 - any fruit without sugar - 500 gr.

In the early days, protein intake gives the body a reserve of strength, at the end of the diet, plant foods increase peristalsis and stimulate digestion. On such a diet for 7 days, you can lose a few extra pounds.

The pros and cons of diet

Like any diet based on one product, kefir has its advantages and disadvantages. The first, however, exceeds, because kefir is a natural and very useful product, and excellent results can be achieved without a kefir diet.


The main advantage is the variety of options where you can use kefir alone and in conjunction with different types of products. Besides:

  • The kefir diet gives excellent results that last a long time.
  • Nutritious fermented milk drinks are rich in protein, and they also contain milk fat, which helps vitamins be absorbed.
  • Another advantage is the availability of this option. Permitted food rations are inexpensive, available for any wallet, and are also available at almost every store. For a week the diet of the product left little.
  • On the day of kefir, you can drink quite a lot, the diet is easy to take care of.


The disadvantages of the kefir diet are not very serious, but there are things you should keep in mind:

  • Kefir helps speed up metabolism, medications taken on a kefir diet may not have time to act as they should.
  • With prolonged mono-nutrition, the body may be deficient in certain elements, it is contraindicated to follow such a diet for a month. So the question of how long you can sit on kefir is not an idle question.
  • Kefir has a mild laxative effect, people with digestive problems should take this into account.
  • With the increase in acidity in the stomach, it is also worth choosing a kefir diet with caution.

How to get out of the kefir diet

All efforts to maintain a diet can be in vain if you do not know how to get out properly. This is especially important in terms of choosing options with strict restrictions. To lose 7 kilograms of weight, which will return in a few weeks, is not something that is entirely exhilarating.

First, the exit should go gradually. The first few days you can eat vegetables, then add some cereals, after a few days - add meat to the diet.

Vo-the second, two more weeks at least, there should be no alcohol. Alcoholic beverages affect metabolism, and their inadvertent consumption causes you to overeat.

If you follow these rules, a diet for weight loss will bring maximum results.

Schedule of allowed products

Since the kefir diet allows you to diversify the menu, you can take any permitted product and use it with kefir. The main thing is to maintain reasonable restrictions in everything. The table shows the energy value per 100 grams of product.

Vegetables and greens

Almost all vegetables are allowed, especially green ones.

name squirrel Fat Carbohydrates calories
cucumber 0. 8 0. 1 2. 5 fourteen
tomatoes 0. 6 0. 2 4. 2 20
Green onions 1. 3 0. 0 4. 6 nineteen
carrot 1. 3 0. 1 6. 9 32
Cabbage 1. 8 0. 1 6. 8 27
salad one 0 one thirteen
Boiled potatoes 2 0 17 82


Fruits should be chosen not the sweetest, where there is a lot of water and fiber. From them you can make fruit salads, nutritious and delicious.

name squirrel Fat Carbohydrates calories
Apple 0. 4 0. 4 9. 8 47
pears 0. 4 0. 3 10. 9 51
Orange 0. 9 0. 2 8. 1 36
grapefruit 0. 7 02 6. 5 29
Kiwi fruit 1. 2 0. 6 10. 3 48


Any berry is useful, except grapes.

name squirrel Fat Carbohydrates calories
Strawberry 0. 8 0. 4 7. 5 41
Raspberries 0. 8 0. 5 8. 3 46
Black grapes one 0. 4 7. 3 44


Mushrooms are a relatively heavy food for digestion, kefir diet is combined with them, but you have to be careful.

name squirrel Fat Carbohydrates calories
Champignon 4. 3 one one 27
Oyster mushroom 2. 5 0. 3 6. 8 38

Nuts and dried fruits

They contain a lot of calories and sugar, you should not get too carried away with such products.

name squirrel Fat Carbohydrates calories
Dried apricots 5. 2 0. 3 51 215
Prune 2. 3 0. 7 57. 5 231
almonds eighteen 53 thirteen 609
Hazelnut sixteen 67 ten 704
cashews 25 54 thirteen 643

Cereals and cereals

These foods are great for mixed diets. They facilitate digestion and give a feeling of satiety. Nutrients are based on dry weight.

name squirrel Fat Carbohydrates calories
Room 12. 6 3. 3 64 330
Oatmeal 12. 5 6. 2 61 352
White rice 6. 7 0. 7 78. 9 344
Millet 11. 5 3. 3 65 348
semolina 10. 3 one 73. 3 328


dark chocolate on a kefir diet

Some dark chocolate and very limited weight. This is the maximum of sweets that can be eaten once or twice if you maintain a kefir diet.


Some flavors are ideal for making slimming cocktails, which use kefir or drinkable yogurt as a base. In such cocktails, you can add cinnamon, dried ginger powder and red pepper in small amounts.

To dress vegetable salads, as well as enhance the taste of meat or fish, you can use fresh or dried natural herbs.

The use of other flavorings should be avoided, as it:

  • Irritating to gastric mucosa.
  • Stimulates appetite, causes hunger.

Dairy products

In addition to the kefir itself, you can diversify your diet with natural yogurt or low -fat cottage cheese. But you should prefer kefir, because it differs from other products in its microbiological composition. Even cottage cheese products eaten for breakfast will allow you not to feel very hungry until lunch.


Good for chicken and turkey. No need to use the breast exclusively, other parts are also suitable. But the bird must be skinless and cooked in a nutritional way - steamed, or baked in an oven without oil, or simply boiled.


Boiled bird eggs are an excellent nutritional product rich in protein. They help satisfy hunger and do not violate the principles of nutrition. If you don’t like boiled eggs, you can make scrambled eggs in a dry pan with a non -stick coating.

Fish and seafood

Fatty fish is not recommended. Although there are beneficial Omega-3 acids, such foods can be difficult to digest, especially if a rigid kefir diet is chosen.

It is better to choose white fillets - pollock, cod, pike perch or hake. Such fish will enrich the diet with protein without causing unnecessary stress on the body. For dinner or lunch, boiled fish will satiate the body for a long time.

If possible, it is worth eating protein -rich seafood - shellfish or shrimp.

Prohibited product schedule

Many foods are banned because of either excessive calories or because they trigger digestive disorders. For example, sweets will cause a spike in blood glucose and slow down metabolism. Excess salt will cause swelling and slow down the leaching of toxins. Alcohol - causes severe dehydration in large quantities, and small ones increase appetite and irritate the stomach.


One of the most dangerous products, especially in the case of strict restrictions, such as kefir diet. They have a negative effect on several parts at once: salt, trans fats, seasonings. Their calorie content is also very high, while snacks do not bring the slightest benefit.

name squirrel Fat Carbohydrates calories
popcorn 7. 3 13. 5 62. 7 407
fried chips 6. 5 thirty 53 510
salted peanuts 26 51 eleven 605

Flour and pasta

Almost all products from this category are prohibited if you are on a kefir diet. There are several reasons for this:

  • The caloric content of such products, quick results can not be achieved.
  • The presence of gluten, which in most people causes negative intestinal reactions and burdens the digestive system.

Bakery Products

Everything related to flour can be said about bakery products. In addition, it should be noted that, as a rule, there is a lot of sugar and yeast in baking - this is not combined with the kefir diet.


complete rejection of sweets

The first thing you can answer the question - how to lose weight? This is a complete rejection of sweets. Their calorie content is not the worst thing. Large amounts of glucose enter the bloodstream leading to insulin surges. And high insulin levels make you feel hungry more often. When using a large amount of candy products, a person falls into a vicious circle, from which it is very difficult to get out.

Ice cream

By itself, ice cream is not so harmful in composition, it contains milk protein and milk fat. But ice cream, like any sweet, gives rise to overeating. 100 grams of ice cream contains as many calories as 200 grams of chicken breast. But after such a meal, a feeling of fullness occurs for 2-3 hours, and after the ice cream you want to eat after 20 minutes.


If you can’t imagine living without sweets at all, you can eat a few pieces of dark chocolate a day. Otherwise, chocolate is a confectionery product, with all its consequences.

Sauces and seasonings

There should not be any high calorie food supplements on the kefir diet. A variety of sauces, tomato sauce, mayonnaise - all this gives rise to overeating and adds extra calories. The table shows the value of just one tablespoon of this product, and this is already a lot.

name squirrel Fat Carbohydrates calories
Mayonnaise 0. 5 13. 75 0. 5 130
tomato sauce 0. 4 0 6 25
cheese sauce 0 ten 1. 3 100

Dairy products

Sweetened milk is prohibited. Yogurt with lots of sugar and artificial additives, a variety of curds with raisins, layered curds are not dairy products, but cakes.

processed cheese

Processed cheese is prohibited on the kefir diet

Processed cheese, especially with additives in the kefir diet, should not be eaten. Hard cheese and natural cottage cheese are good for everyone, except it can cause problems with the intestines and slow peristalsis. Therefore, it is better to use it with caution.

Meat products

Fatty meats such as pork and lamb, lard and bacon are also prohibited. Such products burden the pancreas quite strongly, in addition, they have too many calories per 100 grams of weight, it is difficult to calculate whether there is an allowable portion.


Any sausage product is not a natural product, but a mixture of industrial meats and fats, seasoned with salt and spices for appetite and stuffed with a moisture-retaining agent. Swelling, abdominal pain, increased pressure and a large amount of extra calories. You have to reject such things, even if you eat not only kefir.

Oils and fats

Butter on the kefir diet is prohibited. Vegetable oils should also be avoided. That's a lot of calories and a burden on the gallbladder. For the assimilation of fat-soluble vitamins from vegetables and fruits, the fat contained in natural kefir is sufficient.

Alcoholic beverages

avoid alcoholic beverages

Any alcohol is absolutely incompatible with diet food. In addition to increasing appetite, the danger of alcohol is that such drinks are very burdensome. Instead of intensively removing toxins from the body, which cleanses kefir, weight loss may stop, as internal organs will be busy neutralizing alcohol and its decomposition products, such as aldehydes and acetic acid.

Limited product in whole or in part

Carbonated drinks can increase the acid reaction in the stomach and should be avoided. Products obtained during the fermentation process, such as bread or kvass, can also interfere with the proper course of the diet. Otherwise, it all depends on the type of weight loss option chosen. A strict diet for three days does not include everything, the classic diet allows a lot.

To guaranteed weight loss, it is better to use foods only from the list of allowed. How many days - depends on the severity of the diet.

Diet dishes from kefir

On the basis of kefir, you can prepare a full meal that fits the canon of diet, healthy, and at the same time it can be eaten even for dinner.

Oatmeal biscuits

oatmeal biscuits on a kefir diet

Such pastries will replace sweets, while satisfying hunger and satiating the body with useful fiber. To create cookies you need to:

  • Kefir 1% - 300 gr.
  • Hercules fragments - 300 gr.
  • Raisins - 100 gr.
  • Oil for lubrication - 20 gr.
  • Honey - 30 gr.

Pour the slices with kefir and leave for 30-40 minutes to soften. At this time, steam the raisins that have been washed with boiling water. When the pieces become soft, add the other ingredients into them and mix. Line a baking sheet with greaseproof paper or grease with butter. Form biscuits, about 1. 5 cm thick, place on a baking sheet and put in the oven for half an hour.

Diet pancakes on kefir

diet pancakes on kefir

Fritters are made according to the same principles as usual, but wheat flour should be replaced with chopped oatmeal. Such pancakes are delicious and adhere to the rules of the kefir diet. The product proportions are as follows:

  • Oatmeal - 100 gr.
  • Kefir - 150 gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Baking powder for dough - 0. 5 tsp

All ingredients must be mixed and be sure to leave for about 30 minutes so that the flakes are soft and the baking powder starts to work. Bake the pancakes in a pan without using oil.

Recipe for diet pancakes on kefir

diet pancakes on kefir

To prepare such pancakes that you can eat on its own, or you can add a little filling to it, you need the following ingredients:

  • Kefir 1% - 0. 5 liters.
  • Oatmeal - 1 cup.
  • Honey - 3 tbsp.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Soda - 0. 5 tsp
  • The salt is on the tip of the knife.

First you need to mix kefir with soda and stir so that it starts to boil. Then add all the liquid ingredients, mix, and then add the flour in small portions, stirring thoroughly. If the dough is too runny, the amount of flour needs to be added. Leave for 20 minutes and you are ready to cook. Pancakes are best fried in a non -stick pan.

To make the dough softer, all ingredients should be at room temperature. Kefir and eggs need to be removed from the refrigerator first.

Who is contraindicated kefir diet

The kefir diet has few contraindications. It should be avoided:

  • Pregnant and lactating women. Calorie deficits are unacceptable, and certain micronutrient deficiencies can seriously affect health.
  • People who are allergic to cow's milk protein or lactose intolerant. From such a diet, the body can suffer.
  • Those with gastric or peptic ulcer. Especially if the disease is accompanied by high acidity.
  • People with kidney disease. A diet rich in protein burdens these organs.


The kefir diet, because of its diversity, is highly valued by many people. It’s easy to choose a diet that will either help you cleanse your body quickly, or slowly get in shape, or pull yourself up a bit - it depends on your goals.

Many people choose the kefir diet because of the beneficial properties of the product and the reasonable price of the food allowed.

The main thing is not to forget that the right way out of the diet is half the battle. It depends on him whether it is possible to maintain the weight, or the kilograms will return quickly.